Monday, January 4, 2016/ 10 AM – 5 PM

Arrived: 10:00 AM

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed

Breakfast: oatmeal, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 piece of toast, orange juice with Miralax, water

Lunch: 1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Greek yogurt with blueberries, Kefir milk, water

Exercise: yes

Nap: yes

Medicines: 8 AM medicines, Levothroxine, 3 Targretin with breakfast, 1 tums, 2 vitamins, and 2 PM medicines

Fluid Intake: 8 oz Kefir milk, 8 oz orange juice, 32 oz water

Urine/BM Output: 12:30 pm no output; 4:30 pm urine and BM

Chores: sanitized counter tops, prepared breakfast and dinner, cleaned up kitchen, washed bed linens, made bed, vacuumed living room, watered plants

Visitors/Workers: Roberta from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Kemper greeted me. Dr. Vesper and Rose were still sleeping. I prepared everything for breakfast and prepared the bathroom. Dr. Vesper and Rose up at 11 am. I assisted Rose with toileting, dressing, brushing teeth, and cleaning up. Breakfast at 11:30 am. I assisted Rose with breakfast. Gave Rose Targretin after breakfast. Rose was in good spirits. But, she was more tired today. I assisted Rose with exercises. I gave Rose 1 tums and 2 vitamins. I prepared lunch and assisted Rose with lunch. I gave Rose 2 pm medications. Rose sat with Dr. Vesper and took a nap. I assisted Rose with toileting at 4:30 pm.

Sunday, January 3, 2016/ 2 PM – 9 PM

Arrived: 2:00 PM

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed PM

Dinner: salad, chicken with broccoli, seasoned carrots, Kefir milk/ 7 UP

Dessert: cheese cake

Medicines: Targretin with dinner, 1/2 Xanax, 10 PM medications, eye drops at bedtime

Fluid intake: 12 oz water and 8 oz Kefir milk with dinner

Nap: yes

Urine/BM Output: 4:30 PM urine only; 8:30 urine and small, firm BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counters, prepared dinner, washed dishes and cleaned up kitchen

Visitors/Workers: Mossy from Home Instead

Comments: Dr. Vesper was reading the paper and Rose was eating lunch when I arrived for my shift. Rose was in good spirits. Rose took a nap. Dr. Vesper went to church. I prepared dinner. I assisted Rose with her dinner. I gave Rose Targretin after dinner. Rose sat with Dr. Vesper while I cleaned up and prepared for tomorrow. Dr. Vesper and Rose watched television. I gave Rose the 10 PM medications and prepared her for bed. I put Rose in bed and administered the eye drops.

Saturday, January 2, 2016/ 10 AM – 5 PM

Arrived: 10:00 AM

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed AM

Exercise: yes

Breakfast: omelet with vegetables and cheese, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 toast with butter, orange juice, and water

Lunch: cottage cheese with pineapple and Kefir milk

Nap: yes

Medications: 8 AM medications, 10 AM Levothroxine, Miralax with orange juice, 3 Targretin with breakfast, 2 PM medications, 1/2 Xanax, 1 tums, and 2 vitamins

Fluid Intake: 8 oz Kefir milk with lunch and 32 oz water

Urine/BM Output: 12 PM and 4 PM urine only

Chores: laundry, made bed with clean bed linens, sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared breakfast and lunch, washed dishes and cleaned up kitchen, and wiped down window sill in dining room

Visitors: Mossy from Home Instead (training)

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were still in bed. Dr. Vesper and Rose did not want to get up until 11:30 AM. While waiting for the Vespers to arise, Mossy instructed me on what needed to be completed and when. At 11:30 AM, Mossy showed me how to get Rose out of bed. I helped Rose in the bathroom with dressing, toileting, and clean up. I assisted Rose with breakfast at 12:30 PM. I gave Rose 3 Targretin with breakfast. Rose was quiet until late afternoon. But, Rose was alert and doing well. I assisted Rose with exercise. I made lunch and assisted Rose. I gave Rose 1 tums and 2 vitamins. After lunch, I gave Rose the 2 PM medications with 1/2 Xanax.  Rose took a nap after lunch. At 4 PM, I assisted Rose with toileting. Rose perked up. She was laughing and talking.

Monday, December 21, 2015/ 5 pm – 9 pm

Arrived: 5:00 pm

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed pm

Dinner: salad, chicken and broccoli, seasoned carrots, Kefir milk/apple cider

Dessert: ice cream

Medications: Targretin with dinner, 1/2 Xanax, 10 pm medications, eye drops at bedtime

Fluid Intake: 8 oz Kefir milk with dinner

Urine/BM Output: 8:30 pm urine and normal, medium BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared dinner, washed dishes, and cleaned up kitchen

Visitors/Workers: Roberta from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was watching television. Rose was sitting with Roberta at the table. I started dinner. Once dinner was prepared, I assisted Rose with dinner. I gave Rose Targretin at dinner time. Rose was in a good mood. She did not talk much. After dinner, Rose sat with Dr. Vesper watching television. I cleaned the kitchen, prepared the medications, and prepared for tomorrow. I gave Rose the 10 pm medications and prepared her for bed at 8:30 pm. I put Rose in bed at 9:00 pm.

Sunday, December 20, 2015/ 2:00 pm – 9 pm

Arrived: 2:00 pm

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed pm

Lunch: cottage cheese with pineapple and Kefir milk

Dinner: salad, tilapia, peas, Kefir milk/7 UP

Dessert: ice cream

Exercise: no

Medications: 2 pm medications, Targretin with dinner, 1/2 Xanax, 10 pm medications, eye drops at bedtime

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 16 oz Kefir Milk with  lunch and dinner

Urine/BM Output: 4:30 pm urine and normal, large BM; 8:30 pm urine only

Chores: put together extra briefs with pads and put new on shelf, sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared lunch and dinner, washed dishes, and cleaned up kitchen

Visitors/Workers: Roberta from Home Instead

Comments: Dr. Vesper was watching television. Rose was in the kitchen taking her vitamins and tums. I prepared lunch for Rose. She ate well. Rose was doing well. She was not as talkative today, but she was in good spirits. I prepared briefs. Rose was sitting with Dr. Vesper with her feet propped up so she could rest. I took Rose to the bathroom at 4:30. At 5:15 pm, I prepared dinner. Dr. Vesper and Rose ate dinner at 6:00 pm. I gave Rose Targretin with dinner. I cleaned up the kitchen while Rose sat with Dr. Vesper. I gave Rose the 10 pm medications and prepared her for bed. I put new brief and night clothes on Rose. Then, I put her in bed and put eye drops in her eyes.

Saturday, December 19, 2015/ 5 pm – 9 pm

Arrived: 5:00 pm

Dental hygiene: brushed and flossed pm

Dinner: salad, chicken with broccoli, seasoned carrots, Kefir milk/7 UP

Dessert: lemon and cranberry cake, ice cream, decaf. coffee

Medicines: Targretin with dinner, 1/2 Xanax, 10 pm medications, eye drops at bedtime

Fluid Intake: 8 oz Kefir milk with dinner

Urine/BM Output: 8:30 urine

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared dinner, washed dishes, and cleaned up kitchen

Visitors/Workers: Roberta from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was at church. Rose was in the kitchen with Roberta. Rose was in a very talkative mood. She said to me “you are beautiful”. I prepared dinner. Dr. Vesper arrived home at 6:15 pm. I had dinner ready. I assisted Rose with dinner. She ate well. I gave Rose Targretin with dinner. Rose was in a good mood. I cleaned up the kitchen and prepared things for tomorrow. Rose sat with Dr. Vesper and watched television. I gave Rose her 10 pm medications and prepared her for bed. I put night clothes and a new brief on Rose. I put Rose in bed and put eye drops in.

Friday, December 18, 2015/ 5 pm – 9 pm

Arrived: 5:00 pm

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed pm

Dinner: salad, ham, green beans, Kefir milk/7 UP

Dessert: ice cream, lemon and cranberry cake, and decaf. coffee

Medicines: Targretin with dinner, 1/2 Xanax, 10 pm medications, eye drops at bedtime

Fluid Intake: 8 oz Kefir milk and a little water with dinner

Urine/BM Output: 8:30 pm urine in brief and toilet

Chores: sanitized kitchen countertops, prepared dinner, washed dishes, and cleaned up kitchen

Visitors/Workers: Mossy from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Mossy updated me. Dr. Vesper was taking a nap. Rose was in dining area waiting for Mossy to trim her fingernails. Rose was in good spirits. Dr. Vesper arose as I was starting to fix dinner. Rose had been cold, so I put the blanket on her. I completed dinner and assisted Rose with dinner. Rose ate well. I gave rose Targretin with dinner. Dr. Vesper and Rose watched television after dinner while I cleaned up the kitchen, got things ready for the following day, set up the bed, and bathroom. Rose was still cold even with the blanket on her. I gave Rose the 10 pm medications. At 8:30 pm, I assisted Rose with brushing and flossing, toileting, clean brief, and night clothes. At 8:55 pm, I put Rose in bed. I made sure Rose was covered well in bed so she would not be cold.