Monday, October 3, 2016/ 10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10 am

Bath: sponge

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice with Miralax, 8 oz protein drink, 32 oz water

Breakfast: cream of wheat, (2) bacon, (1) toast, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: 1/2 chicken with broccoli, greek yogurt with mango, protein drink

Nap: yes

Exercise: no

Urine/BM Output: 11 am urine, 4:30 pm urine

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax in orange juice, (2) multivitamins, (1) tums, 2 pm medication

Chores: sanitized counter tops, prepared and served breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, washed and dried bed linen, made bed, took care of flowers

Visitors/Workers: Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. I set up breakfast. At 10:30 checked to see if Rose was ready to get up. Dr. Vesper said to give her a little more time. At 11 am, I woke Rose. She was very wet (bed was wet). I assisted her out of bed and into the bathroom for toilette and dressing. I prepared and served breakfast and lunch. Rose ate eagerly 100 %. Dr. Vesper went to church and arrived back home about 2:30. Rose was twisting in the straps and getting very stiff. She would be almost straight out when picking her up and putting her down. Rose was doing good otherwise.

Saturday, October 1, 2016/ 10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: Brushed pm

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice with Miralax, 8 oz protein drink, 32 oz water

Breakfast: tomato and cheese omelet, (2) bacon, (1) toast, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: 1/2 ham and cheese sandwich, cottage cheese with mango, protein drink

Nap: no

Exercise: no

Urine/BM Output: 11 am urine and very small BM, 4:30 pm urine and very large and soft BM

Chores: sanitized countertops, prepared and served breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, made bed, cleaned dirty paw prints from the floor around table

Vistors/Workers: Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Dr. Vesper and Rose were asleep when I arrived. I check at 10:30 am to see if Rose was ready to get up. Dr. Vesper said to give her more time. At 11 am, I woke Rose. I assisted Rose out of bed and into the bathroom for toilette and dressing for the day. Dr. Vesper slept until 2 pm. I checked on him to make sure he was okay. Rose ate 100% of her breakfast and 100% of lunch quickly. She acted as if she could not get enough food. Rose did not take a nap.  Dr. Vesper went to church at 4:30. Rose made distress noises most of the day. However, I believe she was better after the BM.

Saturday, July 30, 2016/10 am to 5 pm

Arrived: 10:10 am due to road blockage for house fire

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Breakfast: sweet peppers and cheese omelet, bacon, toast, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: cottage cheese with mango, protein drink, water

Medications: Miralax in orange juice, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, and 2 pm medication, (out of Levothyroxine)

Nap: yes

Exercise: no

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz protein shake, 32 oz water

Output: 11 am wet depend (urine only), 4:20 pm wet depend (urine and very small BM)

Visitors: Jessica and Taylor, Susan from Home Instead

Chores: sanitized kitchen countertops, prepared breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen after breakfast and lunch, made bed, prepared briefs for future use, fed Kemper

Comments: Dr. Vesper and Rose were asleep in bed. I set up for breakfast, At 11 am, I assisted Rose out of bed and into the bathroom for clean up. I assisted Rose with breakfast. She at 100 %. Rose was sleepy this morning. At 2 pm, I assisted Rose with lunch. She at 100%. I gave Rose a back rub. She enjoyed that a lot. Dr. Vesper left at 4:20 pm to get Rose’s prescription before church. At 4:20 pm, I assist Rose to the bathroom for toilette. Rose woke up more after breakfast. She was laughing at something she was thinking about. Rose was taping her feet a lot to the music she heard on television.

Monday, June 20, 2016/10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed and flossed pm

Breakfast: cream of wheat, (1) toast, (2) pieces of bacon, orange juice with Miralax, water

Lunch: a few bites of salmon, yogurt with mango, Kefir milk, water

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax in orange juice, (1) tums, (2) mulitvitamins, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 25 oz water

Urine/BM Output: 10:30 am urine, 12:30 pm urine, 4:30 pm urine

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared breakfast and lunch, made bed, prepared depends, gave massage to Rose, cleaned up sticks Kemper put on entry way, fed Kemper

Visitors/Workers: Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Dr. Vesper was outside when I arrived and Rose was still sleeping. Dr. Vesper came in and went back to bed until 10:30 am. I woke Rose at 10:30 am. She was sound asleep and snoring. I put the compression hose on her. Then, I proceeded to assisted her up out of bed and to the bathroom for her morning toilette. I assisted with clean up and beautifying. Rose was wide awake at this time. Dr. Vesper went to church and the gym. Rose ate eagerly but by the end she was very sleepy. At 12:30, I assisted Rose to the bathroom. Dr. Vesper arrived back around lunch time. He read the paper the rest of the day. Lunch time was difficult as she was very sleepy. Rose at just a few bites of salmon and all of the yogurt. Rose slept off and on most of the day. At 4:30, I assisted Rose to the bathroom for afternoon toilette.

Saturday, June 18, 2016/10 am to 5 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm (would not let me floss)

Breakfast: ham and cheese omelet, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice, water

Lunch: cottage cheese with mango, Kefir milk, water

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax in orange juice, (1) tums, (2) multivitamin, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: cat nap

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water

Urine/BM Output: 10:45 urine, 4:30 urine and extremely small BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared breakfast and lunch, made bed, fed Kemper, prepared depends for other caregivers

Visitors/Workers: Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Rose and Dr. Vesper were still sleeping when I arrived for the day. I woke Rose at 10:45. She was difficult to wake up. Dr. Vesper told me to get her up. I assisted Rose to the bathroom for toilette, clean up, dressing, and beautifying. Rose was very sleepy. Rose woke up for her breakfast. She ate 99% of her meal. However, it took a while to get her to eat. I prepared lunch and assisted Rose with lunch. Rose ate 100% of her lunch. Rose was very awake most of the day. She seemed more like herself today. However, I did notice a tear coming out of her eye. Rose was tapping her feet today. I assisted Rose to the bathroom at 4:30 for her toilette. Dr. Vesper worked outside for a while before church. Then, he came in to get ready for church.

Monday, May 23, 2016/ 10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm (unable to floss)

Breakfast: oatmeal, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: cottage cheese with mango, Kefir milk

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax in orange juice, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 30 oz water

Urine/BM Output: 11 am urine, 4:30 urine and small very soft BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, made bed, prepared briefs for future use

Visitors/Workers: Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. I started preparing breakfast for Rose and cleaned up breakfast from Dr. Vesper. I checked on Rose at 10:45 and she was still sleeping. At. 11 am, Rose was awake. I assisted Rose out of bed and to the bathroom. I assisted Rose with dressing and beautifying. Dr. Vesper left for church. I finished breakfast and assisted Rose with breakfast. Rose was more awake this morning. She ate slowly but finished all her breakfast. Dr. Vesper arrived back home by 1:30 pm. Rose fell asleep after breakfast. At 2 pm, I prepared lunch. Rose ate well. However, I had to wake her for lunch. I propped Rose’s feet up after lunch. Dr. Vesper read the newspaper and watched television the rest of the day. At 4:30, I assisted Rose to the bathroom. Rose listed sideways very badly on the commode. I assisted her by using my body as a pillow for her. Rose lifted her head once to look at what her head was resting on and laid back down. It was like she was looking for a place to lay her head down. At one point, Rose was sleeping and moving a lot. I believe she was having a dream. Rose has been holding food in her mouth. Today, she was also holding liquid in her mouth.

Saturday, May 21, 2016/10 am to 5 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed (unable to floss) pm

Breakfast: cheese omelet, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: cottage cheese with mango, protein drink

Medicine: Levothyroxine, Miralax in orange juice. (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz protein drink, 24 oz water

Urine/BM Output: 11:00 am urine, 4:30 pm urine and small to medium BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, made bed, prepared depends for next shift

Visitors/Workers: Sandy (maintenance) and Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. I started preparing breakfast for Rose and cleaned up breakfast from Dr. Vesper. At 11 am, I assisted Rose out of bed and into the bathroom. I assisted her with clean up and dressing. I finished breakfast for Rose. Rose ate 1/2 omelet, 1/2 toast, and 1 piece of bacon. Rose wanted to hold the food in her mouth instead of chewing and swallowing. Her eyes were open, but she did not want to chew and swallow. At 2 pm, I prepared lunch for Rose. Rose ate well. Rose was very sleepy all day. She slept most of the day. Rose had a very bad allergy day. Her nose was running a lot. At 4:30 pm, I assisted Rose in the bathroom.