Arrived: 10:00 am
Bath: sponge
Dental Hygiene: brushed pm
Breakfast: cream of wheat, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice with Miralax
Lunch: 1/2 chicken cordon bleu, cottage cheese with tomato, Kefir milk
Medications: eye drops, Levothyroxine, Miralax, 6 am medications, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications, ointment on eyelids
Exercise: no
Nap: yes
Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water
Output: 11 am urine in depend, 4:15 pm urine only
Visitors: Susan from Home Instead
Chores: prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, made bed, cleaned microwave, swept off front porch, vacuumed, prepared depends and pads for future use
Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. Dr. Vesper asked me to wait to get Rose up. I woke Rose at 11 am. I assisted Rose to toilette. I put ointment on Rose’s eyelids. Rose’s eyes were looking better later in the afternoon. Dr. Vesper went to church and gym. I prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch. Rose ate well. Dr. Vesper arrived home by 2:20 pm. Dr. Vesper watched television and read mail and paper. I assisted Rose to toilette at 4:15. Rose did well today. She slept off and on. But, Rose responded to me a few times.