Monday, December 5, 2016/10 am to 5 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Breakfast: cream of wheat, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: 1/2 chicken cordon bleu, cottage cheese with tomato, Kefir milk

Medications: eye drops, Levothyroxine, Miralax, 6 am medications, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications, ointment on eyelids

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water

Output: 11 am urine in depend, 4:15 pm urine only

Visitors: Susan from Home Instead

Chores: prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, made bed, cleaned microwave, swept off front porch, vacuumed, prepared depends and pads for future use

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. Dr. Vesper asked me to wait to get Rose up. I woke Rose at 11 am. I assisted Rose to toilette. I put ointment on Rose’s eyelids. Rose’s eyes were looking better later in the afternoon. Dr. Vesper went to church and gym. I prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch. Rose ate well. Dr. Vesper arrived home by 2:20 pm. Dr. Vesper watched television and read mail and paper. I assisted Rose to toilette at 4:15. Rose did well today. She slept off and on. But, Rose responded to me a few times.

Saturday, December 3, 2016/10 am to 5 pm

Arrival: 10:00 AM

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese and tomato, (1) toast, (2) bacon, 8 oz orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: grilled hot ham, cheese and tomato sandwich, cottage cheese, Kefir milk

Medications: eye drops, Levothyroxine, Miralax, 6 am medications, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir Milk, 32 oz water

Output: 10:45 am wet depends, 12:30 pm urine, 4:30 pm urine only

Chores: prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, microwave, made bed, prepared depends and pad for future use

Visitors: Man to fix fence to keep deer out, Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. I woke Rose and assisted her to toilette. I prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch. Rose ate well. Dr. Vesper did not go to church today. He has chosen to attend church Sunday morning to avoid the dark. I assisted Rose to toilette 2 more times. Rose did well today. Rose does have problems with her eyes today. The left eye was crusty and the right eye looked like it had puss in it instead of sleep. Rose’s eyes were puffy also. However, she did not react to her eyes as if they were bothering her.

Saturday, November 19, 2016/10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental: brushed pm

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomato and cheese, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: 1/2 sandwich sloppy joe, green beans, chocolate protein drink

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax, 6 am medications, eye drops, (1) tums, (2) multivitamin, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz chocolate protein drink, 32 oz water

Output: 10:30 am wet depend and large soft BM, 12:30 urine and small soft BM, 4:30 pm urine and small soft BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen after breakfast and lunch, wiped down table and microwave, washed laundry, prepared depends for future use, vacuumed floor, swept leave twice from in front of front door.

Visitors: Susan from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper had eaten breakfast and went back to bed. Rose was sleeping. I started the preparation for breakfast. I woke and assisted Rose out out of bed and into the bathroom for toilette. I prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch. Rose ate well. Dr. Vesper slept until 4 pm when I woke him to get ready for church. I assisted Rose with toilette at 10:30 am, 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm. Rose was alert today. She responded to some questions I asked her. With the cold and windy day, I made sure Rose was warm.

Friday, November 18, 2016/10 am – 5:15 pm

Arrived: 10:00 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Breakfast: cream of wheat, (2) bacon, (1) toast, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: tilapia, green beans, Kefir milk

Medications: Levothyroxine, 6 am medications, eye drops, Miralax, (2) multivitamins, (1) tums, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice with Miralax, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water

Output: 11:00 am wet depend and loose BM, 12:30 nothing, 4:30: urine and small BM

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen after breakfast and lunch, wiped down table and microwave, made bed, washed laundry, dried and put way, prepared more depends with pads

Visitors: Mona from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was sitting at the table reading the paper. Rose was sleeping. Dr. Vesper went back to bed, and he told me to wake Rose at 11 am. I prepared breakfast and woke Rose. I assisted Rose to the bathroom for toilette. Dr. Vesper left to go to church and the gym. I assisted Rose with breakfast and lunch. She ate well both times. Dr. Vesper arrived home at 2:50 pm. Rose napped off an on. She had a good day. Rose was making funny noises and hummed a piece of a nursery rhyme.


Saturday, November 5, 2016/ 10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10 am

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Breakfast: tomato and cheese omelet, (1) toast, (2) bacon, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: egg salad sandwich, carrots, Kefir milk

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax in orange juice, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes (deep napping off and on throughout the day)

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water

Output: 11 am wet depend, 4:10 pm urine

Visitors: Susan (Home Instead)

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared and served/assisted with breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, wiped down table and microwave, vacuumed, washed bed pad

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper and Rose were sleeping. Dr. Vesper wanted me to allow Rose to continue sleeping at 11 am. However, Rose opened her eyes, so I assisted her out of bed and into the bathroom for toilette and getting dressed. I assisted Rose with breakfast and lunch. Rose at slowly but completed the meals. Rose slept deeply off and on throughout the day. Dr. Vesper slept until 4 pm. He got up and brought in the mail. At 4:30 pm, Dr. Vesper left to go to church. Rose was coughing a lot today. I believe she was having allergy issues.

Friday, November 4, 2016/10 am – 5 pm

Arrived: 10 am

Bath: sponge

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Breakfast: cream of wheat, (2) bacon, (1) toast, 8 oz orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: cottage cheese with mango, 8 oz Kefir milk

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax with in orange juice, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications

Exercise: no

Nap: yes (most of the day)

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water

Output: 10:30 am depend wet, 4 pm very small BM

Visitors: Mona (Home Instead)

Chores: Sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared and served/assisted breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, cleaned microwave and table, made bed, prepared depends for future use.

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was up, but he went back to bed. Dr. Vesper had me get Rose up at 11 am. I assist Rose with toilette and dressing. I prepared and assisted Rose with breakfast and lunch. She ate slowly but completed her meal. Dr. Vesper went to church and the gym. He arrived back at 3 pm. Dr. Vesper looked at mail and watched television the rest of the time. I assist Rose to the 4:30 toilette. Rose was sleepy today. She slept most of the day. However, she woke up after the last toilette.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016/ 10 am – 5 am

Arrival: 10 am

Bath: thorough sponge bath

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Fluid Intake: 8 oz orange juice with Miralax, 8 oz protein drink, 32 oz water

Breakfast: tomato and cheese omelet, (2) bacon, (1) toast, orange juice with Miralax

Lunch: meat loaf, broccoli, mashed potatoes, protein drink

Nap: yes

Exercise: no

Medications: Levothyroxine, Miralax with orange juice, (1) tums, (2) multivitamins, 2 pm medications

Urine/BM Output: 10:30 am urine in brief and bed, 12:30 urine, 4:30 urine

Chores: sanitized kitchen counter tops, prepared and served breakfast and lunch, cleaned up kitchen, washed and dried bed linen, cleaned bathroom, took out trash, made bed

Visitors/Workers: Culligan, Roberta from Home Instead

Comments: Upon arrived, Dr. Vesper and Rose were asleep. I set up breakfast. At 10:30, I woke Rose. I assisted her out of bed and into the bathroom for toilette and dressing. I prepared and served breakfast and lunch. Rose eagerly ate 100 %. Dr. Vesper assisted the Culligan man. Dr. Vesper took garbage to the curb. Rose was not very talkative today but she did well.