Arrived: 10:00 am
Bath: sponge
Dental Hygiene: brushed pm
Breakfast: cream of wheat, 2 bacon, 1 toast, orange juice with Miralax
Lunch: 1/2 crab cake, green beans, yogurt with mango, Kefir milk
Exercise: ROM
Nap: yes
Medications: Levothyroxine, 6 am medications, eye drops, Miralax with orange juice, 1 tums, 2 multivitamins, 2 pm medications
Fluid: 8 oz orange juice, 8 oz Kefir milk, 32 oz water
Output: overnight depends soaked, 10:30 am void, 12:30 void, 4:30 pm void and soft, large BM
Chores: prepared and assisted with breakfast and lunch, washed bed linen (2) loads, made bed, cleaned kitchen after breakfast and lunch, fed Kemper and Hillary, cleaned bathroom with Hillary, cleaned litter box, prepared depends and pads for future use.
Visitors: Copper Plumbers and Susan from Home Instead
Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was awake eating breakfast and Rose was sleeping. Dr. Vesper went back to bed at 10:23 am. I cleaned up after Dr. Vesper and started breakfast for Rose. I woke Rose at 10:30 am and assisted her out of bed and to the bathroom for toilette. I assisted Rose with breakfast and lunch. I assist Rose to toilette at 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm. Dr. Vesper woke at 11:40 am to go to church. He arrived back by 12:50 pm. Rose slept a lot today. However, she perked up for breakfast and lunch.