When I arrived Mr. &Mrs. Vesper we’re in bed.I cleared kitchen table and prepared to fix Rose’s breakfast.I got everything ready. I then went to see if they were awake and gave Rose her Levothroxine and water. Then in to the RR. I gave Rose a s/bath clean clothes and depend.We then went to the kitchen for breakfast. Rose had oatmeal,bacon,toast she also had orange juice w/miralax and 3 Targretins. After breakfast we done the dishes ,made the bed and brushed and flossed Rose’s teeth. When Rose and I were finished it was time for 1:30 RR.break Rose had a moderate BM. Also voided. For lunch I gave Rose a ham&cheese rolled up with cottage and a slice of pear also water. Rose had her 2:00 pm. Meds. With 2 vitamins,1 tum and a half of Xanax. I put Rose in her chair to relax for a while. Dr.Vesper came in shortly after. We had a late start but had a good day Rose was alert all day.I took her to the RR. one last time before time to leave. I spoke with Mossy she told me Rose slept most of the day Sunday until evening. There were no visitors today. I also done some cleaning while Rose was in her chair today.
Posted by: Roberta
Dr.Vesper was having breakfast when I arrived. I spoke with him before going to wake Rose.I woke Rose and gave her Levothroxine and water before leaving the bedroom we made the bed.I took Rose to the RR and gave her a s/bath clean clothes and depend.We then went out to the kltchen for breakfast. I made Rose an omelet,bacon and toast. While getting breakfast ready I gave Rose her Targretins 3 of them also orange juice with Miralax. After breakfast I took Rose to the RR. to brush her teeth and floss. We went to the dining room and Rose done some exercise. We visited for a little while before 1:30 restroom break Rose didn’t use it at this time.We went back to kitchen for 2:00pm medication including Xanax,2vitimans,and 1 tum.Rose had a half of a ham&cheese and cherry tomatoes for lunch with water.Dr. Vesper was in the living/room looking at the paper so I took Rose in beside him and put her feet up for a while. I used Swiffer on the floors at this time. I also spruced up RR. I fed Kemper at 4:00 then stocked a couple of things and asked Dr. Vesper if he needed in the RR. before taking Rose one last time to the RR. he stated no. Rose and I had a quiet day and there were no visitors. when I took Rose to the RR she was wet and a sm. trace of Bm. and done nothing again during RR break. I spoke with Tiffany when she arrived about our day also Dr. Vesper stayed home from church.
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Monday Oct.12,15
I was unable to get in when I arrived. I knocked and tried the door bell. So I called the office so they could call that’s when Dr. Vesper came to the door. I went in and spoke with him for a minute he said he didn’t sleep well. I got Rose’s Levothroxine and a cup of water then went and woke her. We made the bed and I took her to the RR to get ready for the day. I gave her a s/bath and got her dressed. We then went to the kitchen and I got her breakfast she had oatmeal,bacon,toast,orange juice w/Miralax also her Targretins. Dr. Vesper was still having breakfast so they sat together for a few minutes. After breakfast Rose and I started doing dishes when we were done we went to the RR to brush her teeth.Dr. Vesper said he went to church Sunday so he stayed home and done some work. I took Rose to the RR for her 1:30 break she had a normal BM also voided a little in her depend c/depend. Dr. Vesper stated he was leaving and would be back in a while. Rose and I went to the kitchen for 2 o,clock medication also 2 vitamins 1 tum and a half Xanax. I gave Rose cottage cheese w/ tomatoes and a ham&cheese roll up with water. When Rose was finished with lunch I took her to her easy/chair to put her feet up for a while. While Rose was relaxing I used the swifter and mop to touch up. Dr. Vesper returned he watched T.V. then went to take a nap. I got Rose up at 4 o’clock and fed Kemper. 4:15 I took Rose to the RR she voided and very SM. BM. Rose and I went back to the kitchen Susan came I filled her in on our day. Rose and I had a very good day. When I was leaving I passed Randy that does jobs for Dr. Vesper only visitor
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When I arrived Dr. Vesper was at the kitchen table. I spoke with him then went to wake Rose. I gave her Levothroxine and a cup of water. I then took Rose to the RR to get ready for the day.Rose was soaked and so was the bed so I cleaned her by s/bath and got her dressed c/depend. Then out to the kitchen for breakfast. I gave Rose her Targretins with breakfast which was an omelet w/greens,toast,and bacon Rose had orange juice w/miralax and water. While having breakfast Randy and his son came and said they were there to do some work for Dr. Vesper. After breakfast Rose and I cleaned the kitchen then went and striped the bed. I done a load of laundry PJ’s was wet and fitted sheet. I took Rose to the RR to brush her teeth. Later while I done some chores Rose done a little exercise with my help. At 1:30 I took Rose for her RR break she had a sm.bm. We went back to the kitchen and I gave her 2:00 meds. Rose had a little casserole,peach,2 vitamins,1 tum,half xanax water and kefir. After lunch I put Rose in her chair for a nap. I swiffered ran vac cleaned front glass and touched up bathroom. I got Rose up from nap then took her to last RR break she had another sm. bm. and voided. We went back to the kitchen and Susan had arrived. I spoke with her about the day. Rose had a good day pleasant.
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Friday Oct.9,2015
When I arrived Rose and Sandy was sitting in the dining/room. Sandy had already fixed dinner and was ready to take it out of the oven. Sandy made chicken casserole,also salad, and had jello on the table for desert. I talked with her for a few minutes before time for her to go. I got Rose’s targretins ready to give her before dinner. When Dr.Vesper joined us I started feeding Rose. Rose was moaning a lot during dinner so I took her to the RR. after dinner to see if everything appeared okay. I sat her on the commode and she had a sm. bm. and had gas on her stomach she seemed to feel better afterwards. I took her back to the living/room and put her feet up while I cleaned the kitchen. I got Dr. Vesper’s morning meds ready Rose’s also and set the table for breakfast. While Dr.Vesper was on the phone Kemper started barking and Rose called him down. Although very brief I was surprised. After everything was ready for morning I took Rose back to the RR and got her ready for bed she had another sm. bm. and voided I changed her depend,put on her PJ’s and brushed her teeth. I tried to floss a little what she would allow. I took her to bed and put in her eyedrops . I told them both goodnight and to lock the door behind me. There were no visitors.
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Wednesday Oct.7,15
When I arrived Mossy was trying to get ready to leave. She filled me in the best she could before leaving. I started getting Meds ready for Dr. Vesper then started dinner. I made a salad,fresh mixed vegetables,also ham steaks. They had ice cream for desert. While having dinner I gave Rose 3 Targetrins. After dinner Rose and Dr. Vesper sat in the living/room and watched T.V. while I cleaned the kitchen and got everything ready for the next morning. After everything was ready I took Rose to the RR to get ready for bed Rose had a BM some in depend it appeared loose. c/depend and P.J.’s also brushed her teeth and floss. Rose had her evening Meds. before bed. I took her in put her in bed and put in eye/drops I told her goodnight then went and said goodbye to Dr. Vesper there were no visitors.
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Monday Sept.28,15
Dr.Vesper and Mrs. Vesper were in bed when I arrived. I started getting everything ready for the morning routine. When I woke Rose I gave her Levothroxine and water then striped the bottom sheet it was wet. I took Rose to the RR and gave her a s/bath,c/depend and put on clean clothes we ready to get breakfast. Rose had oatmeal,bacon,toast she also had her Targretins and orange juice with Miralax. After breakfast I done the dishes and went to make the bed. Rose and I went back to the RR to brush her teeth at this time it was close to 1:30 RR break Rose had a sm. bm. also voided. We went back to the kitchen I got 2:00 P.M. Medication ready Rose had 1 tum and 2 vitamins 1/2 Xanax I gave Rose berries & yogurt for lunch. I took Rose to her chair so she could put her feet up. I took this time to sweep,run the vacuum and clean a couple of windows. Dr. Vesper came back from church shortly after I got Rose up also when Rose was in her chair I did manage to floss her teeth a little. I fed Kemper then took Rose for her last RR break before time to leave. Rose again had a sm. bm. We went back to living/room and Susan had arrived. I talked to Susan about our day Rose and I had a good day. Visitors : Chuck came to get mower also Sandy ? Came to mow.
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