When I arrived Dr. Vesper and Mrs. Vesper were watching T.V. Mossy was trying to finish up her shift. She gave me a recap of what needed to be done. I started dinner they had salad,steak,green beans w/potatoes and ice cream for desert. After dinner I gave Rose her Targretins she had Kifir with dinner to drink. I cleaned the kitchen also prepared for breakfast and medication the next morning. Around 8:15 P.M. I took Rose to the R.R. to brush her teeth and get her ready for bed.I put Rose on the commode she had a very small BM. I got her dressed in her pajama’s then took her to bed and put in her eye/drops and gave her 10:00 PM Meds then told her goodnight. There were no visitors. I told Dr. Vesper goodnight and made sure he locked the door behind me.
Posted by: Roberta
Monday,December 21,2015
Today when I arrived Dr.Vesper &Mrs. Vesper were still in bed. I prepared breakfast for Mrs.Vesper also medication. Around 11:00 I went to see if they were ready to get up. I gave Rose her Levothroxine and water before taking her to the RR. Rose was pretty wet this morning so was the top sheet. I took Rose to the RR gave her a sponge bath, c/depend and clean /clothes. We went to the kitchen and I finished Rose’s breakfast then gave her Targretins 3 also miralax with juice she had oatmeal,bacon,&toast.Dr.Vesper had left for church while Rose and I were in the RR. After breakfast Rose sat quite while I done some cleaning. I dust mopped floors then mopped over them a little before that I started a load of laundry sheet, bed protector etc. I made the bed, done breakfast dishes,and ran small vacuum over living room. I took Rose to the RR to brush her teeth and 1:00 RR break Rose voided and had a Sm. BM. I took Rose to the living room and prompt her feet up for a while I finished my work. At 2:00 I gave Rose her Medication also Xanax,2 Vitamins,and one tum. I gave Rose honey yogurt w/raspberries. also water. Dr. Vesper came back from church and they sat in the living room and watched T.V. When 4:00 came around I fed Kemper and prepared Rose for her 4:30 RR break Rose voided in her depend c/depend and took her back to the kitchen. I received a Christmas card from the Vesper’s and would like to take a minute to say Thank You! It has been my pleasure to help take care of Rose. There were no visitors today and Sandy came to relieve me at 5:00 and I filled her in on the day events Rose was in a good mood.
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Dr. Vesper and Mrs. Vesper was still in bed when I arrived. I clocked in and started preparing breakfast and am. medication. After 11:00 am. I went and woke Rose to give her Levothroxine and water. I then took her to the RR. and gave her s/bath,c/depend and c/clothes. Dr. Vesper left for church while Rose and I were still in the RR. We went out to the kitchen and finished breakfast and medication. Rose had 3 Targretins, OJ w/Miralax, oatmeal,bacon,toast. After breakfast I cleaned the kitchen and went and made the bed.Rose done a little exercise before 1:00 pm. RR break.I brushed and flossed her teeth before sitting her on the commode. Rose had a SM. BM. We went back to the kitchen it was getting close to time for 2:00 dispensed pills along with 1 tum,2 vitamins,1/2 Xanax. I made Rose 1/2 peanut butter sandwich,1/2 pear w/cottage cheese, milk and water. In the afternoon I put Rose in her L/chair to relax while I done some housework. I cleaned the bathroom sink,commode and mopped the floor. In the kitchen and living area I used the dust mop Kemper wanted to play with it. Dr. Vesper came home and watched some t.v. I got Rose out of her chair to visit before taking her to the RR. before changing shifts at 5 p.m. Rose had another BM. Reg. also voided. Rose had a good day and was chatty,but after napping she was quiet. There were no visitors today.
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Sat.December,5.15 10a-5p
Dr.Vesper and Mrs.Vesper were still in bed when I arrived. I prepared breakfast and got medication together. At 11 a.m. I went to wake them. I gave Rose her Levothroxine and water before going to the RR Dr.Vesper stayed in bed a while longer.I gave Rose a s/bath c/depend and c/clothes. We went out to the kitchen to get breakfast and morning medication I gave Rose her Targretins 3 of them she also had miralax W/OJ ,bacon,omelet w/veggies,& toast.Dr. Vesper came out of the bedroom and went to get the mail. I was talking to Mossy she wanted me to put Rose a nice outfit on to go to her grand-daughters birthday party. I cleaned the breakfast dishes went and made the bed and at this time took Rose to the RR to brush and floss her teeth. After that was taking care of I sat Rose on the commode for RR break. Rose had a sm. bm. I then cleaned her up and went back to living/room.It was almost time for 2 pm. medication dispensed and 1/2 Xanax 2 vitamins 1 tum. and for lunch 1/2 grilled cheese 1/2 pear and a couple of cherry tomatoes w/ water. I put Rose’s feet up while I done a little cleaning I used the swiffer,touched up RR also ran small vacuum in living/room.After Rose relaxed for a while I took her in to get ready to go Rose was very cooperative getting ready and in a good mood today I took her to the RR before shift change at 5 pm. Rose had another BM Reg. also voided she is now ready for the party. There were no visitors today Mossy came at 5 and relieved me.
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Monday November.23,2015
I could not get an answer this morning Dr. Vesper went back to bed. I called the office they called him and he answered the door. He went and laid back down. I started getting Rose’s breakfast ready also her medication. After a while I went and woke them and gave Rose her Levothroxine and water. Dr.Vesper started getting dressed for church,and I took Rose to the RR. I gave Rose a s/bath,c/clothes, and a c/depend I fixed her hair then took her to the kitchen. This morning for breakfast I made Rose oatmeal,bacon,toast,she also had orange juice with miralax and her Targretins. When I got Rose up this morning she was soaked and so was the bed. I started laundry and cleaned the dishes.At 1:15 I took Rose to the RR sat her on the commode she voided. I got her back in her chair and brushed her teeth. Dr. Vesper came in from church at that time it was time for 2:00 Medication and lunch. Rose had 2 vitamins and 1 tum half a Xanax also dispensed pills. For lunch Rose had ham&cheese roll up,cottage cheese w/pineapples. I took Rose in to the living/room and put her feet up while I cleaned. Mossy had a couple of things she asked me to do so I done those and I finished laundry.Also used swiffer ran vacuum,cleaned glass and made the bed.Mossy came in at 4:00 to take Kemper to the groomer.I fed Kemper early at her request and let him outside for a bit.Time for Rose’s RR break before changing shifts at 5:00 Rose had a Lg Bm at this time. I cleaned her up and at this time Sandy had arrived. I filled her in on the days events and Mr.&Mrs.Vesper daughter Jenifer and family had arrived I met them before leaving. Rose was in a good mood today.
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Dr. Vesper was having breakfast when I arrived. I asked how they were doing he said they were doing well and was looking forward to his family coming for Thanksgiving. I went in to wake Rose and gave her Levothroxine and water. I then made the bed before taking her to the RR. I took her in and sat her on the commode she did h ave a med. BM. I gave her a s/bath ,c/clothes also c/depend. We then went to kitchen to make breakfast and give h er the rest of medication. Rose had miralax w orange juice 3Targretins.I made Rose an omelet w/greens,bacon,toast and water. After breakfast I took Rose to the RR. For her 12:30 RR break and brush her teeth Rose had a SM. bM. At this time. We went back to the living room. Dr.Vesper had company Ray Sandy’s father talking about work that needed done around the house. 2:00 time for medication and a bite to eat. Rose had 2 vitamins,1tum half of a Xanax also Despenser medication. Dr. Vesper wanted Rose to watch t.v. with him. He wheeled her over by him.I went over and put her feet up and done some cleaning. Used swiffer on floors and touched up restroom. Rose is having a good day she is in a good mood. She feel asleep off and on watching t.v. I fed Kemper and got Rose ready for 4:30 RR. Break before changing shifts at 5:00 pm. Rose had a fairly Lg. Bm. Also voided Rose had a Bm. Each RR. Trip but it seemed to be normal and no accidents. Dr. Vesper went to church and I talked to Sandy when she arrived about our day.
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Monday Nov.16,2015
Dr. Vesper was having breakfast when I arrived.I spoke with him for a few minutes before waking Rose. When I woke Rose I gave her Levothroxine and a glass of water,at this time I went ahead and made the bed. I took Rose to the RR gave her a s/bath c/depend and clean clothes. When we were finished we went to the kitchen to make breakfast Rose had her Targretins,orange juice with miralax and to eat she had oatmeal,toast,and bacon.While having breakfast Auxier gas came also Scherzinger pest control came. After breakfast I cleaned the kitchen, then took Rose to the RR for her 12:30 RR break also to brush and floss her teeth.Rose voided only.Rose and I went to the dining table for a visit before making lunch and 2:00 Medication. I made Rose a half of grilled ham&cheese and a few grapes to have with 2 vitamins,1 tum,half Xanax,and 2:00 P.M. pills.Rose also had water all day. I put Rose’s feet up on the stool for a while,then I done some cleaning.Used Swiffer on floors,ran vacuum,cleaned glass doors, and touched up sink and commode in RR. Dr.Vesper came home and him and Rose watched T.V. for a bit then I fed Kemper. About 4:20 I got Rose and took her to the RR before time to change shifts she had a SM. BM.also voided. I took Rose to the kitchen while I took out the trash. Sandy arrived I introduced myself and got her up to speed before leaving. Rose was quiet today but she still seemed to have a good day.