Sunday November 6, 2016 10-5 pm

Arrived 10 AM Dr. was still having breakfast. He went back to bed until 1 pm.

Meds Levothroxine, 2 pm meds, vitamins and 1 tum, Miralaz with OJ.

Breakfast French Toast with berries and syrup, 2 pieces bacon, 8 oz OJ with Miralax, 4 oz apple cider

Lunch Cottage Cheese and pineapple

Input 8 oz. OJ with Miralax, 4 oz, apple cider, 18 oz. water

Urine/BM Output Bed was soaked this morning. Next time her pad was wet, but not her depends.

Chores Washed front window, santized counter, swept front porch, swiftered floors, and vacuumed carpet. Washed sheets and pajamas. Washed dishes and put away.

Exercises ROM

Nap Yes

Comments Rose was very alert this morning. This afternoon she had a hard time sitting up. She liked to lean to her left side.

Notes Rose was laughing after breakfast and feet dancing to the music.

Friday November 6, 2016


Activity Blog
Category Archives: Journal

NOV / 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016 5-9 pm

Arrived: 5 pm

Bath: n/a

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Dinner: Salmon, wild rice, peas ice cream and 8 oz Kefir milk

Medications: 10 pm medication and eye drops @ bedtime.

Exercise: ROM

Nap: yes (off and on)

Fluid Intake: 8 oz Kefir milk, 12 oz water

Output: 10 pm very large BM, depends wet but not bad.


Chores: Prepared and served dinner, cleaned up kitchen, cleaned table,fed Kemper

Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was warching Tv. I prepared and assisted Rose with dinner. She ate slowly but completed her meal. Dr. Vesper looked watched television the rest of the time. I assist Rose to the 8pm toilette. Rose slept most of the time. I got Rose ready for bed and then put her to bed. Rose has a bed sore starting, i put antibiotic cream and a barrier creme on her backside. I also informed Lee about it. He said he would turn her on her side.

Posted by Mona Masse
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NOV / 2016
Friday November 4th 5-9 pm.

Sunday October 9, 2016 10am-5 pm

Arrived 10 AM

Bath Sponge

MEDICATIONS Levothroxine, 8 AM meds with yogurt, 2 pm meds with yogurt. 1 tums and 2 gummy vitamins.



FLUID INTAKE 8 oz OJ with Miralax, 24 oz between lunch and dinner.

URINE/ BM OUTPUT Bed soaked through, 12:00 Urinated

CHORES swept floor, vacuumed carpet, swept entry way, sanitized counters, gave Kemper antibiotic in AM. Washed Dishes and put them away. Washing bedding, emptied the trash.

COMMENTS Doc requested I let Rose sleep in. She looked very comfortable. He told me to go read the paper. I checked on them a couple of times and they were both asleep. About noon Rose started coughing and making noise, so I got her up and ready for the day. She started off good, but tired quickly. And was leaning more in the afternoon.

NOTES I realized after she was in the bathroom that I didn’t put her compression stockings on. By that time it was too late. But I needed to wash her legs anyway. Rose was tending to slide down in her chair a lot. I found a carpet gripper and put it on her seat. I think it has helped.

Thursday October 6, 2016


BATH Sponge Bath

DENTAL HYGIENE Brushed and flossed

MEDICATIONS LEVATHROXINE, Meds with Yogurt 2 pm meds.

BREAKFAST Scrambled eggs with carrots and cheese, toast, bacon, OJ with Miralax

LUNCH cottage cheese with pineapple




FLUID INTAKE 8 OZ OJ, 11 Oz water between breaks and lunch and lunch and dinner

Urine/BB OUTPUT 10:33 Urine, Urine 12:30,

CHORES Swept front walk, sanitize counters, washed front door windows


COMMENTS Rose was very alert but very rigid. She tends to be leaning to her left side.

NOTES Its after 2 and Elaina hasnt been here yet.

Sunday October 2, 2016

    10 AM

    Bath Sponge bath

    Dental Hygene Susan said shed take care od it tonight.

    Breakfast French toast with berries and syrup, 2 pieces of bacon and 8 oz OJ with Miralax

    Lunch cottage cheese and grape tomatoes.



    Nap Yes

    Meds Levathroxine 10:15 with eyedrops, 2 pm meds

    Fluid Intake 12 oz between breakfast and lunch
    And 12 oz between lunch and dinner

    URINE/BM OUTPUT 10:30 URINE 2:30 urine

    CHORES VACUUMED LR, SWEPT FRONT PORCH, CLEANED FRONT DOOR WINDOWS, cleaned counters, washed bed linens and blanket, washed dishes, gave Kemper antibotic. Fed Kemper, moped floor

    Visitors/Workers Lawnmower

    Comments Rose is in good spirits. Shes very alert and looking around. She tends to want to lean today.

    Notes Rose ate a good breakfast and took a brief nap. She was in a good mood. We listened to music during breakfast and Rose is sitting with her boyfriend holding hands watching TV.