Arrived 10 AM Dr. was still having breakfast. He went back to bed until 1 pm.
Meds Levothroxine, 2 pm meds, vitamins and 1 tum, Miralaz with OJ.
Breakfast French Toast with berries and syrup, 2 pieces bacon, 8 oz OJ with Miralax, 4 oz apple cider
Lunch Cottage Cheese and pineapple
Input 8 oz. OJ with Miralax, 4 oz, apple cider, 18 oz. water
Urine/BM Output Bed was soaked this morning. Next time her pad was wet, but not her depends.
Chores Washed front window, santized counter, swept front porch, swiftered floors, and vacuumed carpet. Washed sheets and pajamas. Washed dishes and put away.
Exercises ROM
Nap Yes
Comments Rose was very alert this morning. This afternoon she had a hard time sitting up. She liked to lean to her left side.
Notes Rose was laughing after breakfast and feet dancing to the music.