Monday, June 19, 2017 10am- 5pm


MEDICATIONS: Rose- Levothroxine, Miralax, 10 AM meds, 2 tums, 2
gummies, 2 pm meds

Lee- Eye Drops at 10:30, 2:00

INPUT/OUTPUT: Rose was wet this morning. She had a small BM when she got up. Rose was dry when I took her to restroom at 1:30. She urinated in toliet and had a small BM. Her depends was clean and dry. She had 8 oz. OJ, Water through out my shift. 8 oz.Kefir Milk with Lunch. 4:30 pm Rose urinated on toliet and had a large BM. Depends was clean and dry.

BREAKFAST:  Bacon, Oatmeal, cantelope, toast, and OJ with Miralax

LUNCH: 1/2 Egg Salad Sandwich and 8 oz kefir milk.

DENTAL CARE: We brushed and flossed her teeth after breakfast.

CHORES:  Sanitized counters, vacuumed living room, made bed, washed and put away dishes, emptied kitty litter, emptied trash.


Rose was very hard to wake this morning. When she finally got up she was very alert this morning. After breakfast while I cleaned up from breakfast, she sat and looked at the birds while listening to music. Lee went to church, but skipped the gym. He’s back and watching TV and reading the WSJ.


Sunday June 11, 2017 3-10 pm


MEDS: Rose-evening meds and eye drops

Lee-evening meds and eyedrops

DINNER: brat, fruit, kefir milk, watermelon and cookie.

COMMENTS: Rose was in a great mood. Very relaxed and helpful all day. Stephanie hosted a picnic/swim party. A good time was had by all. Jessica called and talked to dad.

URINE INPUT/OUTPUT: 8 oz kefir milk, and water throughout the day
Wet pad, wet depends at bedtime. Still no BM

VISITORS: Stephanie,Kylie,Chase,Jake,Andrew,Claire,Eric and Tommy, lillian and Charlotte

Saturday, June 10, 2017

ARRIVED:  10:00 AM   Lee was at table finishing breakfast. We chatted awhile and then he went back to bed.

BREAKFAST:  French Toast, Bacon, OJ with Miralax

LUNCH:  Cottage Cheese and Tomatoes, Kefir Milk

DINNER:  Salad and Tuna Casserole and Kefir

URINE INPUT/OUTPUT  Wet depends in AM, 8 oz OJ,  16 oz Kefir Milk, Water


DENTAL CARE:  Brushed Teeth

MEDS:  Rose- Levothroxine, Eyedrops, Miralax, Morning Meds, 2:00 PM Meds, 2 tums, 2 gummies, evening meds

Lee- Eyedrops at 10:30, 1:00, 4:00 & 9:00; plus evening meds

VISITORS: Kyley, Jake, and Chase are here.

CHORES:  Cleaned windows, sanitized counters, vacuumed living room floor, made bed and opened windows to air out bedroom, ran dishwasher, emptied kitty litter.

COMMENTS:  Rose was very sleepy this morning. Doc wanted to  let Rose sleep a little longer, so I came back at about 20 minutes later. She was very alert during breakfast. She’s sitting next to Lee holding hands. Lee is watching TV while Rose is sleeping. Lee and the grandchildren went to Aunt Lou’s birthday party and arrived back at 8:40. I had just finished giving Rose her meds and taking care of the kitchen and dining room for Sunday. So I asked Lee if he wanted her to stay up a bit. He said if it’s ok with me. So I took the time to blog and run the sweeper over the kitchen and dining room. Hillary finally showed herself.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

ARRIVED: 10 AM Cleaned counters, set-up for breakfast, filled Kemper’s bowl. Got bathroom ready for Rose.

BREAKFAST:  Scrambled eggs, bacon, cinnamon raisin toast, OJ with Miralax.

LUNCH:  Yogurt with Mango Fruit, Strawberry Kefir milk.

URINE INPUT/OUTPUT:  8 Oz OJ with Miralax.  4 oz Kefir milk, 28 oz Water ,  wet depends at 10:30 am.  urine and bm at 4pm

MEDICATIONS:  Rose’s-Levothroxine,  Eye Drops, 2 pm meds. 2 tums and 2 gummies.

Lee’s meds- eye drops in left eye.  Unfortunately, Lee left for church before I got done with Rose, so I didn’t give him his first drops until 2 pm.

Hillary meds: I gave Hillary 1 ml. at 4 pm. I looked all over the house for Hillary. Doc thought she might be under the couch and to just wait until she came out of hiding.

COMMENTS:  Rose seemed very tired today. I got her up and took her to bathroom. I changed her depends, she was wet, but not soaking. I also changed her into her clothes.  Brushed her hair. Once done  I took her to the kitchen where we had breakfast. Once done, we went back to the kitchen to clean up. Lee went to church. Once he came back I moved Rose next to him.   I made the bed and cleaned the bathroom and prepped for breakfast.  Lee watched TV and then went back to take a nap about 4 pm.  Lee up at 5 pm. and feeding the birds. Susan came in and we got caught up.





Thursday, May 11, 2017

Arrived to find Ellana her cleaning. We chatted abit. Then I cleaned the counters and cleared the table from Lee’s breakfast. Before prepping for Rose’s breakfast, I gave Rose her Levathroxine with water. Once prep was done, I got the restroom ready for Rose to get up and get dressed. I got her up and her Pj’s were wet.

Breakfast consisted of scrambled egg whites, bacon, cinammon raisin bread, and 8 oz of OJ with Miralax. Rose ate good while listening to music. Dr. Vesper slept in. I finally had to get him up at 12:30 so Elanna could clean the bedroom. I took Rose to the bathroom where she urinated and had a dry depends. I then brushed and flossed her teeth. Once done, I brought her to the lving room, so she could sit next to Lee. At 2 pm I gave her pills mixed with yogurt. Once done, I gave her lunch. Although, Mossy suggested giving Rose yogurt and berries. There wasn’t any yogurt in the fridge, so I gave her cottage cheese and pineaple left over from dinner. After lunch we did her ROM exercises. She did well. I told her she could sleep afterwards. She’s now resting in her chair.

I folded the sheets, pajamas, and put them away. Fed Kemper adding the supplement followed by the dentastix. Rose had finally fallen asleep at 4:15, so I waited until 4:45 to take her to the restroom. It ended up being a rather long process as she had another large bowel movement. I tried several times to clean her up, but she wasn’t done yet. I told her it was probably a good thing it was then instead of bedtime, like last night.

After settling Rose back in the living room, I started dinner. We had Italian chicken with wild rice, peas, salad, kefir milk and ice cream for dessert. I completed the following tasks: washed, dried, and put away the dinner dishes, prepared the table for breakfast, and fixed Dr. Vesper a cup of decaf coffee. This allowed me time to prepare the coffee pot for the morning. In addition, I gave Rose her night meds, as well as, Dr. Vesper. At 8:30 I took Rose back to the bathroom and got her ready for bed. Brushing her teeth, taking off her compression stockings, and giving her eye drops.

I wished her a Happy Mother’s Day and said good night to Dr. Vesper.

Wednesday,May 10, 2017 / 5-9 p.m.

Met Jan upon arrival. She gave me an update on Rose’s day.

I prepared the table for dinner, cooked dinner and fed Rose. Rose ate well. Then we had a dessert. I washed, dried and put away the dishes while Rose sat with Lee and watched TV.

I then prepped the table for breakfast and coffee for Lee. As well as, putting the bowl of food out for Kemper’s breakfast. I gave Dr. Vesper’s his pm meds. He told me his podiatrist visit went well.

I blogged and had it already to go, but something happened to it. Apparently, I need more time with blogging.

I took Rose to the restroom to get ready for bed. She seemed tired. She was clean, but had a large bowel movement in the commode. I changed her into pajamas. Then I remembered her bedtime meds, so I took her to the bedroom and gave her meds before bed. Took off her compression stockings and gave her eye drops. Dr. Vesper was very tired and was in bed before I left.

Dinner was Ham Steak with pineapple,green beans, salad, Kefir milk and ice cream for dessert.

Rose was very alert, but tired when she got in bed.

Friday November 19, 2016 5-10 pm

Arrived: 5 pm

Bath: none

Dental Hygiene: brushed pm

Dinner: PF Changs Sweet and Sour Chicken, rice, Salad and 12 0z. chocolate protein milk

Medications: 8 pm meds.

Exercise: no

Nap: yes

Fluid Intake: 12 oz chocolate protein milk, 2 oz water

Output: 10 pm BM and wet poise,

Chores: prepared and served/assisted with dinner, cleaned up kitchen and got table ready for breakfast, put dishes away. Fixed Ice cream for dessert, Doc got lactaid with his. Fixed Rose’s 10 pm med and gave to her. I also fixed her morning pills and put them on the counter with a spoon. Gave Doc his evening pills. Got Rose ready for bed.


Comments: Upon arrival, Dr. Vesper was sitting on couch watching TV, Rose was sleeping. I fixed dinner and fed Rose. She ate well. She had a good day. Rose was veryn alert and seemed able to comprehend what I was saying. She apologized for having a BM. I told her it was ok, it was a natural bodily function.