MEDICATIONS: Rose- Levothroxine, Miralax, 10 AM meds, 2 tums, 2
gummies, 2 pm meds
Lee- Eye Drops at 10:30, 2:00
INPUT/OUTPUT: Rose was wet this morning. She had a small BM when she got up. Rose was dry when I took her to restroom at 1:30. She urinated in toliet and had a small BM. Her depends was clean and dry. She had 8 oz. OJ, Water through out my shift. 8 oz.Kefir Milk with Lunch. 4:30 pm Rose urinated on toliet and had a large BM. Depends was clean and dry.
BREAKFAST: Bacon, Oatmeal, cantelope, toast, and OJ with Miralax
LUNCH: 1/2 Egg Salad Sandwich and 8 oz kefir milk.
DENTAL CARE: We brushed and flossed her teeth after breakfast.
CHORES: Sanitized counters, vacuumed living room, made bed, washed and put away dishes, emptied kitty litter, emptied trash.
Rose was very hard to wake this morning. When she finally got up she was very alert this morning. After breakfast while I cleaned up from breakfast, she sat and looked at the birds while listening to music. Lee went to church, but skipped the gym. He’s back and watching TV and reading the WSJ.