When I arrived Andrew was here and filled me in.
Doctor Vesper came home this week I was happy to see him and glad he was doing well.
At about 10:45 I finally convinced dr. Vesper to get up and I accompanied him to the restroom and then into the kitchen where I got his coffee and milk for his breakfast. Then I went back in and got Rose up. Her briefs were wet but not soak through I got her dressed for the morning and cleaned up there was some bowel leakage but no BM.
For breakfast Rose had scrambled eggs bacon and an English muffin Miralax and her orange juice. All meds were administered on time as prescribed.
Doctor Vespers nurse came today. doctor Vesper was unable to produce a urine sample so she took the one in the refrigerator and will contact Mossy if another sample is needed. She also left an extra cup.
For lunch Dr Vesper had ham roll ups and Rose had cottage cheese.
Doctor Vespers morning sugar was 131 and afternoon was 174 in the afternoon I administer two units of insulin.
When I took Rose to the restroom at 4 she produced a nice sized bowel movement and her pad was wet so I changed it.
Dr. Vesper switched in between watching TV and resting quietly with the TV off for the afternoon. Rose watched the birds and spent some time sitting with Dr. Vesper.